The Council of Atlantic Premiers was formally established on May 15, 2000 with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on Regional Cooperation. The purpose of the Council is to promote Atlantic Canadian interests on national issues through enhancing existing mechanisms for cooperation and communication.
The Council of Atlantic Premiers builds upon the relationship formed by the Council of Maritime Premiers, established in 1971 through an agreement between the Maritime Provinces and through The Council of Maritime Premiers Act.
The mandate of the Council of Atlantic Premiers includes:
Promote Atlantic Canadian interests on national issues by seeking to establish common views and positions and working to ensure that Atlantic Canadians and their interests are well represented in national debates
Strive to provide a climate in which Atlantic Canadians can fully participate and be competitive in the global economy, benefit from quality social services, and continue to enjoy the quality of life and environment that is unique to Atlantic Canada
Work with all their partners to foster and promote a sustainable and prosperous future for Atlantic Canada within a strong and united Canada that respects the diversity and equality of all its regions
The mandate of the Council of Atlantic Premiers is the:
– Development of common Atlantic Canada positions for the Council of the Federation Meetings and First Ministers’ Meetings
– Development of common Atlantic Canada positions on national issues
– Joint promotion of the interests of Atlantic Canadians
– Coordination of joint activity in areas of mutual agreement, including but not limited to, trade promotion, federal-provincial fiscal arrangements, and economic and social cooperation
– Coordination of joint analysis and review of economic, fiscal, social, cultural, and environmental programs and policies which affect or concern the Atlantic provinces